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Option 2 – Automatically install the Konica Minolta printer drivers (Recommended)

If you’re not comfortable playing around with computers, you can install the printer driver automatically. Then, launch the setup file and follow the on-screen instructions to install it. Once you finished downloading the right driver, double-click the downloaded file. This process is a little time-consuming and error-prone, but we’ll show you how to do this step by step.ġ) Go to Konica Minolta’s download center.Ĥ) Select your operating system from the list.ĥ) Select the driver you want and click the download icon next to it.

You can go to its website, find the latest driver that corresponds with your operating system, and then download it. Konica Minolta keeps updating drivers for its series of printers. Option 1 – Download and install the driver manually If you’re not sure how to download and install the driver, follow this tutorial and you’ll learn 2 ways to get the latest Konica Minolta printer drivers, easily and quickly. To make your Konica Minolta printer runs in a perfect condition all the time, it’s necessary to keep its driver up to date.